Photo of Dan Poynor

Howdy World! I’m Dan Poynor

I live in Austin, Texas


I am a multidisciplinary designer based in Austin, Texas working in print and interactive mediums. My work ranges from projects for global companies such as AOL, Cisco, HP, and Yahoo to projects for growing startups such as BusinesSuites, Insightly, LeadsCon, and Storm Ventures.

I define design as the ability to control a medium and apply thoughtful messaging which communicates effectively. With this intent I have developed above average skills in all production, design, and management skills. Based on my solid foundation of experience, combined with ongoing education, I am someone who consistently exceeds goals and maximize project results.


I want to improve my mastery of the process of building websites and increase my knowledge, skills and abilities in:

I like to help clients create an impressive online presence.